Oxford Summer School

Sketchbook Development- Observations and Experimentation

Saturday 10th August 2024 for 1 day — Cost: £60

Tutor: Amanda Hislop

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On this course you will develop a personal concertina style sketchbook using drawing media and simple collage techniques, responding to observations of a collection of natural forms.

Working with a selection of natural forms which will be provided by your tutor, develop simple line drawings observing shape, structure, and detail within the form, finding your view and response to the form. Free up your drawing and explore, enlarge, and simplify, abstract and fragment images to create a personal record of inspiration and experimentation to be drawn upon in later work and to be appreciated as working ideas.

Working in the main in monochrome with the potential to explore simple colour observations in a less is more approach to drawing. Experiment with layering with ink wash and tea stain with simple collage to alter the surface of the paper. Explore the creative potential of drawn line with restrained colour and texture, through experimentation with drawn marks using different tools and mediums on paper surfaces created. 

Materials for Students to Bring:

  • Drawing materials of choice, include drawing pens of various thicknesses and preferred colour medium, e.g. Watercolour pencils, coloured pencils, pastel conte type pencils, Derwent inktense blocks or pencils, Caran dache neocolour, Koh I Noor waterbased dyes (some will be available to use). These are suggestions, use art materials that you have, there is no need to purchase specific items.
  • 2H and 2B drawing pencils and others you may wish to use; a solid graphite stick is good to work with if you have one
  • A number 10 or 12 round brush to use with colour wash and ink
  • Scissors for paper
  • An apron or overall
  • A hairdryer is useful

Amanda will bring a selection of sketchbooks and drawing resources to inspire and use as starting points for exploration.

  • A3 paper
  • drawing inks
  • biro pens
  • chisel pencils
  • wet strength papers (tea bag and lens tissue)
  • box of drawing tools
  • bag of papers
  • pva glue/ spreaders and pots
  • water pots

Material cost from Tutor:

£4 per person