Oxford Summer School

General Information


Oxford Summer School will no longer be refunding course fees for cancellations as class numbers have now been confirmed.


Oxford Summer School takes place in East Oxford at The Oxford Academy, Sandy Lane West, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 6JZ.

There is parking space adjoining the school site and if required we can assist with bringing your possessions to the classrooms (this is all at your own risk). All classes begin and end at the same time, and in an attempt to reduce traffic please consider car sharing. If you are willing to car share, then consider adding your name, days you can offer/would like a lift, your location and contact details to the shared google document and arrange privately (details to access this document will have been sent by a private email). Please note these details are available to anyone booked on a class at Oxford Summer School 2024 and DO NOT share details if you are not comfortable.

Classrooms are locked overnight so you are welcome to leave your things (at your own risk) there may be a period between the class emptying and it being locked however, so please do not leave valuables unattended at any time.

First Day

On the first day of your course, please go to the main assembly hall by 9:15. Each class will join a table where you will meet your tutor and be taken to your classroom.


Lunches will be provided daily by Munchies of Grove in the main assembly hall. They will provide a large range of sandwiches, crisps, cakes and cans of drink which will be for sale from around 11.30 in the morning so please support them. Food will NOT be available to preorder as in previous years, there is also a large Sainsbury and Tesco nearby.

The caterers will accept payment by either cash or card.

An urn will be available all day with hot water for basic tea, coffee and decaf coffee alongside full fat and semi-skimmed milk. There will be a charge of 50p per cup with an honesty box provided. Owing to numbers, and an attempt to reduce plastic waste you will need to BRING YOUR OWN MUG. There is limited fridge space available, if you wish to bring almond milk etc. then please bring a small bottle and mark it with your name. Anything unmarked will be freely available to all. Owing to numbers, please do not put sandwiches in the fridge.

Course Dates and Times

Courses run on the dates shown in the course information from 09.30 to 16.00 each day.

Course Fees

Course materials are NOT INCLUDED - costs are given in the course details where applicable.


Full payment for your course by cheque or bank transfer is required when you book.


Full payment is due one month before the start of your course, except for one day classes when full payment is due on booking. Refunds will only be given in the event that your place can be filled, in this instance a £15 admin fee will be charged. Please consider your booking as you would for any other holiday or event and take out appropriate insurance to cover your costs.


Oxford has plenty of accomodation opportunities and we recommend you try the Stay in Oxford website.

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Any information entered by you on this website is used to confirm booking details, send out brochures, provide course information and may be given to tutors who request your contact details before the course to supply additional course information. For fire safety reasons the tutors also receive a register of names of those attending their courses.

Your personal information will not be shared with any third-party without your express consent.

Last updated July 22nd 2024