Oxford Summer School

Batik on Tissue inspired by Trees

Saturday 10th August 2024 for 1 day — Cost: £60

Tutor: Jenny O'Leary

This course has limited places

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We will use the technique of batik (hot wax resist) to create pieces of work inspired by trees - the structure, leaves, shape, seasons, topiary whatever inspires you. We will work with wax, bleach and inks to create fabulous textures and effects, exploring markmaking with different tools. An exciting workshop using Jenny’s contemporary interpretation of a traditional technique You may choose to make a scroll or book form from your tree batiks.

Materials for Students to Bring:

  • Apron
  • Hairdryer
  • Pritt type glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Old book pages, sheet music, maps etc. to work on (optional)
  • Khadi paper, handmade paper, (again optional)
  • Tree images for inspiration

Materials Cost to Students:

Your tutor will provide inks, wax, paper, tissue and all equipment for £4.