Oxford Summer School

Building Up the Surface - Creating a Concertina Sketchbook

Monday 5th August 2024 for 1 day — Cost: £60

Tutor: Polly Woolstone

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Part 1 of 2

A one day course that explores techniques to build up the paper to create exciting surfaces and marks. You will be finding new ways to loosen up your work using drawing, printing, mark-making, collage and layering with tissue paper. You will be making your own concertina sketch books to experiment in.

During the day we will explore a range of techniques to create interesting surfaces including gesso, wax, ink, mono printing and rubbings onto tissue paper. These surfaces can then be drawn back into.

This course can be taken separately or combined with the 2 day course ‘From sketchbook to final piece’ on Thursday/Friday. If doing both it would be useful to keep Tuesday and Wednesday free to work into your sketchbook.

If possible collect:

  • Any collage paper you have handy – old magazines, not pictures but big areas of colour or large lettering / newsprint or other lettering
  • Things to take rubbings from ie corrugated card, textured wall paper
  • Anything for mark-making such as small twigs, cocktail sticks
  • Gelliplate (if you have one)

In addition you will need:

  • Plastic sheeting/ bin bag to cover the tables
  • An apron or old shirt and latex gloves if you want to keep your hands clean
  • J cloths, paper towels, wipes etc.
  • Paper scissors
  • Plastic containers for water/inks etc.
  • Range of brushes
  • Palette
  • Drawing equipment – graphite pencil, felt pens (water soluble or permanent)

  • Rubber
  • Spray bottle (if you have one)
  • Crayons, wax crayons or crayons
  • Black ink – Indian/Quink

Don’t go to any expense as I will bring some of the above to fill in the gaps.

I will also supply paper and card to make the sketchbooks and have a range of equipment, glues, printing media etc.

Material Cost

£5 per person