Oxford Summer School

Drawing for the Terrified

Monday 5th August 2024 for 2 days — Cost: £120

Tutor: Richard Box

This course has availability

Click Here to Book Now

Are you terrified of drawing but have a secret longing to learn how to do it? Then enrol on this course where Richard will guide you through certain processes slowly, gently and step by step. If you follow his 'recipes', you will be amazed at what you will be able to draw.

The course programme starts with you experimenting with particular methods of learning to see perceptually. Thereafter you will be able to record your observations in monochrome and especially in COLOUR! To keep your terrors at bay you will remain with a simple still life group for the duration of the course.

Once you have learned certain principles and practices of seeing and drawing perceptually, you will be able to transfer these to other subjects when you practise at home after the course. Above all, the course is to be considered as your first step towards a lifetime's adventure discovering the nature of colour and tone; as John Ruskin said, 'I would rather teach drawing that my pupils may learn to love nature, than to teach the looking at nature that they may learn to draw'.

Please bring with you

  • A drawing board or a 16 inch x 20 inch ( approximately ) off-cut of MDF or plywood
  • Drawing board clips or bulldog clips*
  • A pad of A4 size ) white cartridge paper
  • A 2B and 2H pencil – More if you have them
  • An eraser. Putty rubbers are excellent They do not scuff the paper
  • Six GOOD QUALITY coloured pencils: crimson and scarlet reds, ultramarine and cerulean blues and lemon and cadmium yellows. (Richard, your tutor, has plenty of the Caran D' Ache variety for you to borrow if you have difficulty finding any.)*
  • One orange, one apple, one onion and a VERY small bunch of grapes
  • Two more bulldog clips or, even better, four clothes pegs. *
  • Two right-angled ' corners ' cut from stiff card ( e.g. empty cereal packet ) in the shape o the capital letter "L". Approximately 8 inches in both directions and approximately 1 inch wide. (This will become your 'view-finder')

*Richard will have some spares of these items for you to borrow at no extra charge.