Oxford Summer School

Felted Barn Owl

Wednesday 7th August 2024 for 2 days — Cost: £120

Tutor: Sarah Richards

This course has limited places

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In class you will explore both wet and needle felting methods over the two days.

Wool fibres are a fabulous medium to build three dimensional sculptures and you will be exploring lots of different techniques in this fun and informative class.

Make your own 3D barn owl sculpture, using what is essentially a pile of fluff! On day one we will create felted wool fabric, and start to build our owl core. On the second day we will add colour and build up the owl’s features and details such as feathers.

There will be lots of information and advice on wool types and different felting tools.

This class is suitable for beginners and those who have already have some experience.

You will need to bring:

  • Two towels (hand towel or larger)
  • An empty washing up liquid bottle
  • A bar of your favourite soap

Materials Cost

The tutor will supply all other materials and equipment for £12 per person.