Oxford Summer School

Kevin Scully

Kevin trained at Wimbledon School of Art and spent several years working as a scenic artist in the theatre, and then as an illustrator in advertising and publishing. Although basically a figurative painter, time and experience have led him to find new ways of saying more with less. In his paintings, as much detail as possible has been eliminated, with the elements contained within them being suggested rather than specified. His work encompasses a wide range of subject matter, and he aims to produce paintings that contain just the bare essentials, and devoid of too much unnecessary detail. Edges are often blurred to diffuse the real from the imagined.

His work captures the fleeting effects of light, and in particular, atmosphere. He adopts the same lively approach in his paintings when confronted with a moody, misty landscape in the northern hemisphere, as he does when experiencing the heat and blinding light of more southerly climates. He has lived and worked in The Caribbean and The Canary Islands, and has run painting holidays to Spain, Portugal, France, Turkey, Greece, Morocco, Malta, and India. He has written several books on painting and is a frequent contributor to ‘The Artist’, and ‘Artist & Illustrators’ magazines.

He has exhibited widely and is a member of the Oxford Art Society.


Courses A-Z Tutor Start Date Days Cost
One Step Away From Realism in Oils Kevin Scully Mon 5th Aug 2 £120
Texture in Watercolour Kevin Scully Wed 7th Aug 1 £60
There Are No Rules In Watercolour Kevin Scully Thu 8th Aug 2 £120

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