Oxford Summer School

Richard Kerwood

Handsome, muscled and wealthy he is not, calm, happy and rotund he is. This former scientist and flying instructor found himself with the perfect skill set when he chucked it all in at the age of 38 to go and grow willow & twist sticks some 22 years ago. Now having filled all his relatives houses with presents of baskets of various deigns it is grudgingly accepted that he is sane and surprisingly happy living as a peasant.

Courses A-Z Tutor Start Date Days Cost
Breton Style Basket Richard Kerwood Mon 4th Aug 1 £65
Willow for Garden Enhancement Richard Kerwood Tue 5th Aug 1 £65
Make a Simple Frame Basket​ in a Day Richard Kerwood Sat 9th Aug 1 £65

Course Availability: AvailableLimitedFullEnded